WHAT?!!! I AM A WINNER?!!!! I NEVER WIN ANYTHING JUST ABOUT!!! OH MY GOD!! Off to eat a whole chocolate bar to celebrate. I love this community!!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Congrats and save me a piece.

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Never, never knew this about you, dear Caroline. (or maybe just a little) Thank you for sharing it here. xo

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Jul 1Liked by E. Jean Carroll

You are amazing!

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Congratulations to all the winners! What a remarkable ragtag crew of lady pirates have amassed around you, E. Jean!

I am proud to be in conversation with all of you.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I love being a called a lady Pirate of a ragtag crew - I'll go pack my bags - when do we leave.....Anne - nice writing!

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Jul 1Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Anne - can I steal that from you? I just love it

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

SO much love and light here. I think I'm just gonna read and reread each and every piece until I am full to the brim and the happy tears stop falling. It is a rare and wonderful thing to meet you all - to log into Ask E. Jean and know I will be intrigued, challenged, and best of all accepted for who I am not what I am expected to be. Thank you all for being part of the Conflab and to Auntie E. for being the most illustrious lightning rod ever. HUGS!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

More of THIS, please. ;)

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Jul 1Liked by E. Jean Carroll


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Congratulations to the winners!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

We're all winners just to be members of the Conflab! Congratulations to all!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Couldn't agree more, Gayle.

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I feel the same way Gayle!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

AMEN!! 🫶🏻👏🏻🙌🏻

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EEEeeeeeee! Congratulations everyone!!!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Congratulations to the keep-going molders of the raw into the gold, however honorably tarnished and still beautiful. Thank you for sharing your stories, every one of you. And high tens to all winners. What an incredible community!

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Jul 1Liked by E. Jean Carroll

nicely said

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Congratulations winners👌🏾🦾❤️

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Big Congratulations to all ! Thank you I loved participating in this challenge !!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Congratulations to all! Thank you for reading my words. Love you to the moon and back 🌙💜💫

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Fascinating stories all. After mulling over the assignment, I was able to condense my adventures to a list of stats similar to one of your winners—but only in my head. Thanks for making me stop and think.

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Congratulations! And thank you, E. Jean, for reposting their essays, so it's easy to read them again, a treat this evening!

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Stupendous and spectacular essays everyone! Congratulations 🍾🎊 to the winners and the losers who are also just winners in waiting!😘

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll


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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Bravo everyone 👏. Congratulations Sensational 16!

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Some of these broke my heart. Some of these could have been my autobiography. I have a stone in my stomach now. But congrats to the winners.

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Jul 1Liked by E. Jean Carroll

TRUE! Power of healing reigns

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Jun 30Liked by E. Jean Carroll

The vast array of different perspectives as well as writing styles is just a peek into the constellation of incredibly talented Conflabbists gathered here. It was so inspiring, heartbreaking, hilarious and heartwarming all at once to read the words of those who bravely chose to share. So much vulnerability, introspection, self-love and compassion. It was in a whirlwind of emotions, trying to comprehend how many of us persevered despite ALL odds, and then some.

We thought it was an impossible task to WRITE, while the MOST impossible task would have been to choose, IMHO. Grateful it was not up to me - I just may have chosen everyone!

That Zoom call is gonna be amazing!! Enjoy - so well-deserved! 🫶🏻👏🏻🙌🏻

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