Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

For me, this autumn marks a particularly tense presidential election, with the nation deeply divided. Kamala Harris, however, is poised to rise above the fray, thanks to her strength, intelligence, and a wealth of life experiences. From her work as a prosecutor to her tenure as vice president, she’s gained an unmatched understanding of justice and leadership. Her resilience and ability to connect with voters make her the more formidable candidate in these turbulent times. As the leaves turn, so too does the country’s political tide, with Harris ready to lead through the season’s winds of change.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Well said, Stacy—bravo.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll


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And we are more than ready to vote for her

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Autumn is my favorite season of the year. The thing I notice first, before the changing colors of the leaves, is the changing of the light. I love the coziness that Fall represents...getting out the plaid wool throws, lighting candles, cooking soups, first fires in the fireplace. Since I live in a four season climate, I began to love the months off from gardening, mowing, watering. To me, winter means rest, and Autumn is the kick-off.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Meee tooo Linda!! 🍁🍂

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

It’s Autumn???

All I can think about is November 5.

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Fall is brilliant with magical colors

Pumpkins, Halloween costumes on wee ones, tweens, and even the 70 year olds

Parties galore rushing to the store to get the warm apple and pumpkins pies, witch's brews unfold

Lingering among the soft inviting lights within inviting nights of celebrations

Even going to the pub for fish and chips on occassion

The weekends in Fall open to hay rides, visits to the cider mills and apple picking places

It's all over once November 1st arrives

The leaves are dead that were once so alive

All Saint Day and a smudge on the foreheads

To honor the living and the head

Plans for Thanksgiving is in the air

As well as the election we brace forward are we scared?

If God loves women like I think he does

There's nothing to worry about

No need to doubt

Kamala Harris will win the bout

At least that is what we pray and hope

That dreaded thought we fear to think that the Dope will win and that will stink

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I love this time of year (living in the heart of New England doesn’t hurt!) but it’s such a busy time for me, workwise: fall cleanup and getting gardens tucked in for the winter is a race against time around here.

But…we have 5 cord of wood stacked, lit our first fire in the wood stove the other night, and I’m attempting (nice word for faking it until I strangle myself with it) to knit a sweater for my granddaughter. She’s proving to be a most agreeable sort, so I’m trusting her five-month-old self to be gentle with her Grammy’s feelings.

That said, off I go—a garden in Vermont is to be tidied and tucked in for the season—a full day’s work awaits.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for the rescheduled soirée of smarts and sass 😘

Sending visions of golden leaves and heartbreakingly blue autumn skies to you all!

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Kim I love what you are writing.

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Aw! Your grand baby gonna luv that sweater!!!

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

This old house has had brief fires in the woodstove these past few nights, just enough to compensate for a bunch of cloudy damp days and lower sun levels. The kitties are appreciative, taking turns toasting toes and tummies on the sheepskin on the hearth.


The leaves are just starting to fall here. It took me YEARS to convince our self-appointed property manager to stop raking them and stop cleaning them out from under bushes and ground cover. As a result the beneficial insects that overwinter in them gave us a good pollination season and the 10-yr-old here for two weeks in June/July had clouds of fireflies to watch out the window at bedtime. Fireflies are endangered now due to this crazy emphasis on curated neat decorative lawns, so this was gratifying. Leaves also decay and enrich the soil under the drip line of the trees that drop them; years of removal takes away nutrients from the roots and weakens the trees, not a good idea with climate change giving us higher winds and bigger storms.



The last hummingbirds have left town for points south. The nest of baby squirrels have discovered how to run up and down, a constant source of amusement. The three have attracted more cousins so now it’s like a damn daycare center under our carport where my air chair hangs. I’ll have to bring that in soon. The spring poults are almost as big as their mom; the neighbor’s puppy is trying to fulfill her breed’s imperative to herd them, but alas for her, when they get tired of it they fly up in the trees and leave her wondering how the hell that all went wrong.



My sweet husband is failing more now. The autumn leaves drift by my window … September … November … December …

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Ahhhhh, Auntie Beans. You break my heart!

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Thank you all. Maybe a good winter’s rest will be restorative. Every day is a gift, though, so I have no regrets.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I'm sorry to hear about your husband failing even more. Sending you thoughts to comfort and uplift you...and give you strength.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Sending you so much love, my friend.

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The Staggering flower of your love…. the petals falling…. Thank you for hugging us so hard into the soft flannel of your heart and hearth and enduring romance… to watch and see the petals turn is an honor. Auntie Beans is the best kind of human bean. More chilli please, Auntie? sum protein to read this over and over and over again. Seconds and thirds, please?

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If it’s allowed, give your husband a squeeze from me. I also share your philosophy about overzealous leaf raking. The fireflies were fabulous this year.

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Always allowed. He’s a good hugger. ;)

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Oh Auntie Beans…your leaf litter made me smile. Sending Sweet Husband warm thoughts and a virtual hug.

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oh Auntie Beans, hugging you very hard.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I live in Los Angeles now where the seasons are subtle. I spent most of my life in Hawaii though where they were practically nonexistent. You could find them if you really knew what to look for. That being said I’ve always loved fall. The cooler weather. Halloween and Thanksgiving. Wearing jeans and a sweater. Shutting off the AC. Cooking soup. The end of daylight savings time. Rain!

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I love fall! I think it has to do with the fact that I grew up (and now live) in New England where fall is pretty spectacular! I love the smell of wet leaves. I love apples, and cider, and apple cider doughnuts. If you come to NH, visit Gould HIll in Contoocook for the best apples, and the best cider, and yes, the best apple cider doughnuts, hot and cinnamony and greasy in their little white paper bags. I love the particular blue of fall skies. I love that flowers give that last big push of color before frosts set in. Pumpkins, cornstalks, mums --- love, love, love. I love the memories of first days of school: new pencils, new books, new chances to learn something. I love fall sunshine. I love putting sweaters and hoodies and warm socks to work after their summer vacations in the spare closet. Fall is the start of soup season for me, and that means bread baking, too. Speaking of which, I should go get some yeast going.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Fall is a challenging time of year for my allergies, asthma, and SAD. There are lots of things I love, like pumpkins, mums, leaf peeping, and Hallowe'en, but I'm stuck inside with my face pressed against the glass for much of it. Autumn is a time for turning inward, for letting go, for preparing for the long, cold, grey days of winter. As I've gotten older, I've made a conscious effort to find the good in every season and stop wishing my life away in the endless pursuit of something 'better.' Each season has gifts and challenges and the wheel keeps turning regardless of my feelings. Being here to experience all of it is a profound gift.

(Of course, this fall is a doozy on the political front. However, I'm doing what I can to beat the drum for Harris/Walz and remaining hopeful we can get to the other side of the coming weeks and months and find ourselves in a joyful new paradigm!)

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“ …stop wishing my life away in the endless pursuit of something 'better.' Each season has gifts and challenges and the wheel keeps turning regardless of my feelings. Being here to experience all of it is a profound gift.” So wise.

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The crisp air brings energy and excitement. It is about new friendships and old sweaters.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

My birthday is August 31, and for me has always been a prelude to the oncoming of fall that issues in a fresh, crisp, and renewed cleansing of the air as the season changes. And I loveeeee it all! The beautiful colors it introduces in leaves that produce a crunchy sound underneath my feet. The welcome of sweaters, and the spicy smells from all sorts of pumpkin treats! This year fall will issue in our first female president who embodies that same freshness and the turn of a new leaf, and I am “ Falling” for it all!

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Fall (or autumn) is my favorite season. The mild(er) temperatures, deep blue skies, and leaves crunching under my feet bring a smile to my face.

Of course, right now in Atlanta, the skies are gray, it's still raining albeit not as hard, and the ground is sodden due to a certain tropical storm.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I gladly give up the daylight of early mornings for the crisp temps and the beautiful colors of my Midwest fall.

I believe in Kamala Harris and her choices. The first one was Tim Walz, which should show everyone that she makes excellent decisions, This fall will bring a little less chaos and a lot more joy.

As nature gives us a 'sleep-tight' wave in it's beautiful display, it leads us into a cozy calm of winter. At least for those of us who have a heated place to enjoy our cup of morning joe. For those who are struggling, I sincerely hope that today you will reach out to your local food bank and give a little for their constituents.

Fall is a reminder to reflect. A time to remember. A time to review our memories of the years that have passed and to prepare for those that are coming. It is a transition from what was and that which will come.

To all the faithful E. Jean followers here, I wish you all a joyous fall.

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Thank you, Gail!

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Much love Gail and a wonderful post

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At 87, soon to be 88, one's mind naturally wanders to the end of life. You don't know exactly when that happens, but watching the leaves fall is evocative, no question about that. I look back at the things I've done, the things I wrote and failed to write, and in a way I look forward to what happens next, if anything, but I am not afraid to die. Can't say exactly why, but I think because I have seen that something survives, which I';ll tell you about some day, E. Jean, when we know each other a little better. In the meantime, take him to the cleaners. You know who I mean.

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“At 87, soon to be 88, one's mind naturally wanders to the end of life….watching the leaves fall . I look back ….I am not afraid to die.” My, my I admire your calm steady bravado.

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I love that mother nature shows up to change the scenery. This fall, my mother will turn 97 on Halloween and she is in Hospice. It feels like there is more death around me now. So I feel sad as the fall arrives and my mother prepares to leave.

My friends have suffered horrible loss too.

I love the gold leaves of light! I love fall colors.

We desperately need a new president - one that gives us hope not despair.

We want Kamala to win. We want Trump to go away.

We want Trump to pay E.Jean.

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Thinking of you...my mom just went into hospice care too this week. Sending you a warm hug energetically as you and I wade through autumn leaves in grief.

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Oh thank you Jennifer. I found two books - no three - that I’m ready to read: invisible Losses by Christina Rasmussen; A Healing Space: befriending ourselves in difficult times by Matt Licata; Motherless Daughters.

I’m thinking of you and your mom. My mom lives in Atlanta. I’ll go in Oct for a week. Take it easy. This is something that will open a boatload of tears❤️

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Sep 27Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I love Autumn. It's my favorite season. The most joyous part of it this year is I haven't seen a single Trump sign lately, which is unusual because this place turned deep Red in the last 15 years. He'll probably still win this county, but with much less enthusiasm. Maybe we're turning back to our Blue roots.

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