Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Not trying to spam my own shit, but Biden just finished speaking in NC, and he's YELLING AND FIGHTING AND PUNCHING and his old Joe self. I NEEDED THIS TODAY. Starts 9 minutes in (they've clipped it): https://www.wonkette.com/p/joe-biden-talking-right-now-not-even

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The Great Wonkette!!! Thank you, Ms. Schoenkopf!!!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

oh Ms. You!

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Heather Cox Richardson gave a good explanation of what Biden was up against, basically a firehose of falsehoods, which is a rhetorical technique called "the Gish Gallop", that HCR thinks Trump just naturally does--I agree--and thus far it has worked for him. Too well.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

And the debate performance not helped by the complete inability of the so-called moderators to force Trump to answer questions rather than campaign, lie, and whine about old grievances.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

They were totally biased IMHO, cutting Biden off a few times and no control over Trump or atttempt to fact check, ridiculous.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

This 👆👆👆

I think Keith Olbermann put the failure of the network and the moderators pretty clearly



And Wajahat Ali has another point it feels important for people who claim to want democracy to prevail to consider


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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Thanks for the Olbrrmann link, he’s a good guy 🙏

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Thanks M.

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Today I was going to make the time to check out the links you shared, immediately I now see that they are links to "X". I don't 'do' X. Are there any other places one could access that info besides "X" ? Thanks M.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Exactly; the moderation rules as I understood were *not* adhered to. I gave CNN the 'business' repetitively on their social media platforms and plan to continue that war.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Trump can say ANYTHING and get away with it. Moderators served no purpose other than to read a question.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

And what was up with Trump’s “smile?” He looked constipated the entire time. I’ll never forget how in 2016, he lurked right behind Hillary Clinton as if preparing to assault her. She kept her cool, even while he called her a liar as she answered questions, and interrupted her in other ways. Trump needs to be a one-off. He’s always been unfit and even more so now.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

His smile is weird because he has a mouth like a cat’s butthole, which is hard to form into a smile.

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his mouth was probably clamped shut to prevent the Adderall powder he snorted , that had slid down his throat, sliding out of his mouth. He was doing that weird sniffing thing, which I think gives it away.

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Lol !

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I found her take to be particularly grounding.

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Exactly, yes : grounding.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll


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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Yes I listened to it too. Heather is great.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Wish I could have been there. Give me a man with morals and empathy and intelligence over an asshole with golden toilets.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Morals, empathy, intelligence, and 'honor'.

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Absolutely. He was NEVER convicted of a felon. Now we are responsible for what our adult children children do? Ex45's daughter and son-in-law received BILLIONS from the Saudis, his son is ingesting enough drugs that he could open his own cartel, and NOT ONE FAMILY MEMBER WAS PRSENT IN THE COURTROOM DURING HIS TRIAL. Ex45 brags about assaulting women, lies more than that that briar patch sitting on his head...I could go on for hours. POTUS clearly loves his family, and doesn't denigrate other people for sport. I come from a military family, and the way EX45 speaks about people who actually served while he was sitting cozy at home while "losers" were off fighting in his place? How anyone could think that this is a good representation of who is fit to serve is beyond me.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll


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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

SO glad to hear that!! I was thinking "He needs to get out there. Give more speeches. Take some live press conferences."

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I saw that and took heart.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

It was great. A day late, but it’s okay. We’ve got this.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

and he is awesome, that's my President.....Trump can go pound sand.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I like Judge Chutkan's (right?) construction of "MISTER TRUMP" since the U.S. only has one POTUS at a time and he is not the President

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Thank you. Biden must repeat this fiery diatribe every time he speaks, he messages, all the time nonstop. Every Democrat should do the same.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I think I 'may' have had a bad day or so. I thought Joe was the most flummoxed that CNN did zero moderating, that is except to cut him off.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

What Eric Fitz said when he introduced President Biden sums it up. Joe Biden is a good and decent man who fights for our families every day." Exactly.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I am in NC too. He nailed it.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

That's so good to hear!

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Thank you Rebecca; great share. One hopes this might shore up the fair weather fans.

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That means too that he's hearing for all of us -- including his advisors -- who are all MORE DARK BRANDON, PLEASE


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Good President had a bad night is still much better than a Bad Former President having a good night though riddled with lies. "Debates" with two minute answers, are the most ridiculous way to choose the leader of the free world. In reality, the POTUS may be the one making final decisions on actions to take, but he / ("she" in the future) is surrounded by a team of experts, each with particular knowledge and specific views in certain areas. A true issues-oriented debate would be a team of each candidate's advisors stepping up to respond to specific questions. Perhaps "debates" should be scheduled over a week-long period, with each night dedicated to a specific topic or two. Inflation is way too complex to be answered in two minute sound bites. Same with immigration, Israel, Ukraine, and any other issue worthy of discussion.

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Well said, Chris!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Except Trump fired all of those around him who had actual expertise and tried to constrain him. If he's reelected he'll surround himself with sycophants who don't care about the law or our position globally.

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Do people not know yet about Project 2025?

The terror it promises should Republicans get back in power -- not leastwise because they'll never give it up again -- and that their 900 page manifesto includes plans to get rid of the entire Civil Service, the Department of Education, and the EPA -- and that their Heritage Foundation backers have calmly stated not only that they mean every word but that they firmly believe it's something they're entitled to do, turn everyone except rich White men into serfs?



People who don't believe they're serious could maybe read Professor Nancy Maclean's 2016 book to jog that normalcy bias ...


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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

It is terrifying. Not sure why Trump wasn't asked about it. Overall I don't think CNN did a good job.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

They did a terrible job …

… and I don't know if we can't be sure they didn't do a terrible job on purpose, given the fact that CNN has been taken over in the back room by right wing billionaires -- and we're always told that who the shareholders are is not supposed to influence coverage or moderation, but those of us in the real world know better, I think


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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Thank you for these links.

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Jun 29Liked by E. Jean Carroll

You're quite welcome

Of course the more of us who know what they've been trying to keep from us this whole time, the better the chances of our keeping our democracy


Let's pass it on 😊

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Better believe it

Glad Governor Newsom said it so forcefully, too


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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

And some of those really have no good answers at this time.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I know! If there's any reason to take Biden out of the running (and I think we keep him), than there's even more reason to take Trump off. With nobody running what do we do? Ha!

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We need to throw Trump and all his MAGAt voters in prison to protect our sacred Democracy. I'm still ridin' with Biden!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

what we need to do is turn our back completely on Trump and any news sources that continues put him first to make money. I am black balling all of them as of today.....

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This 👆👆

They tell nothing but lies, and they're over-reported

I literally was just listening to NPR and I turned POTUS Joe up when he came on (sounding STRONG 💪 in NC) and then when they started "reporting" on the lies Donald 🍊 was telling I just turned it down again

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

IF last night had been an actual debate, Biden's command of the topics and solid answers to the actual questions asked would have won so completely that we wouldn't be having this discussion. But it wasn't. It was a trump campaign rally, in which the supposed "moderators" completely abdicated their roles, letting the felonious wastrel gish gallop un-checked.

In that scenario, Biden, who had taken the debate seriously (like a responsible adult), was basically plopped down into a rugby scrum with a badminton racket.

Instead, people who saw the human equivalent of the tasmanian devil from the old Bugs Bunny cartoons being "energetic" in stark contrast to the measured, and stiff older adult.

The focus on style instead of substance is dangerous, and ignores 4 important things:

1) Biden's command of the issues they were *supposed* to be discussing was exemplary, and shows quite clearly that he is cognitively sound, and politically capable in a world where political leadership is desperately needed.

2) trump's gish gallop was a means of deflecting from every question, showing that, as when he was president, he has no understanding of the issues, and thus could not answer any of the questions.

3) trump was unable to be actually honest in a single sentence all night. Not one. An uncontrollable liar is a dangerous person to have in any office, never mind the most powerful role in the country.

4) trump should not have been there, at all. Period. He is a proven criminal and adjudicated rapist. Both of those should have disqualified him. His refusal to leave office should have disqualified him. His continued lies about the loss should have disqualified him.

The discussion should not be about Biden being old and stiff (and yet in command of the facts across the full breadth of presidential responsibilities). It should be about trump being an invalid criminal candidate, unfit to hold any office of any kind.

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Precisely, Mataliandy!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll


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As I've said here and elsewhere, I thought Joe was the most flummoxed that CNN did zero moderating, that is except to cut him off.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Well, before the shitshow of a debate (T lying about everything, but lying in coherent sentences. Biden ... not), I had an excellent visit with my oncologist (great CT scan - nothing growing, some shrinkage) and no-problem chemo infusion, so we're trying to focus on that here. Other than that, writing postcards and hoping that enough people are sane that things improve. (As my husband said, "I want us both to live a long time, but I never thought we'd outlive American democracy.')

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Congratulations, Clea!!!!!!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Glad your visit with oncologist had good results! That's wonderful news. Wishing you continued good health in the coming days.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

thank you = Stage 4 but rocking it.

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We’re rocking with you, Clea.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I'm glad that was positive news!

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I’m entering a month of prayer with evangelist Beth Moore. I am writing poems in the voice of Liz Cheney. I’m getting over COVID. I’ll be writing postcards to voters in swing states soon.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Me too. I just signed up.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

PS Sending ☼ healing and light. ☼

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Watched Leslie F-ing Jones commentary on the debate. That helped. I was on my other favorite pundit’s Jeff Tiedrich chat thread during the debate. So many determined Biden supporters is very encouraging. Turned off MSNBC. Told my husband enough when he was venting. He’s in the panicking Democratic Party. I’m not . Harris is my VP and she’s got Joe’s back. Gavin Newsome also has Joe’s back. If a guy who’s 81 with a cold can stand to be on the same stage as the Awful One and listen to him lie and not throw up? I’ve got his back too!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Jeff T. lifted my spirits right up with this morning’s column. He is an effing Godsend in these times.

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It's so refreshingly normal that all those you listed really do back Joe. Tons of great people all over creation, and that gets so lost in the noise.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I was on the chat thread from Jeff Tiedrich also! It really helped! But I can’t turn it off 🤣 I’m still getting notifications 🤣🤣

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

In a way, this is probably what all Democrats needed to get mobilized in full form!

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Eggzactly, AP!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

That's my hope! If anyone was complacent before, this should motivate 'em!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I'm taking it just fine. There's a lot of Chicken Little reaction today, but the sky is not falling...yet. Joe has never been a great debater and he was sick last night. Bad time to be sick, but shit happens. Whoever coached Biden needs to step away, they got in his head and he was too focused on listing facts. The lack of any push back at all of the non-stop stream of lies and misdirection by the monitors was disappointing. The questions were combative to Biden and soft balls for Donald. Why no pressing further on January 6th? Why nothing about Project 2025? As usual the gaffes made by the Donald have been overlooked while the laser focus stays on Biden who followed that less than stellar debate with a rousing speech that showed he is doing just fine.

The SCOTUS rulings are far more concerning to me, which is another solid reason to do everything I can to support Biden in his re-election. We aren't voting for one man, we are voting for an administration and for the future justices on our courts. As we've seen, that long game has paid off for the far right. We have to get this rogue court back on track. If we can take the House and Senate, we have to add more judges to the high court.

I'm dealing with the stress by plucking Japanese Beetles off of my Canna plants and imagining each one has a tiny yellow hair turban as I plunge them into the bucket of soapy water. Insert evil laughter. I'm painting and writing and making videos and snuggling my dogs and staying focused on what I can do every day to keep marching bravely forward.

We've got this, E. Jean. Kick Ass Warrior Women are not giving up, backing down, or letting go.

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Yes to stuff happening. I can't wrap my head around people seeing an off night and completely erasing the man's prior existence.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Trying to remember to breathe...in and out, alternately.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

The format was favorable to liars with a firehose of lies to deliver. I’m not surprised it took President Biden a little while to switch to attack mode. If you did not watch but read the transcript, you would conclude Biden had won.

Why do we seem to value a glib liar over an experienced, thoughtful speaker who weighs his words, negotiates well, understands diplomacy, and makes good decisions? We are headed for crazyland if we don’t consider our values over mere physical appearance.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

“Firehose of lies” was the phrase in my mind during the entire debate. The water pressure just kept turning up as the debate went on, packing more and more in each two-minute (or one-minute) segment.

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CNN let him get away with it. They are no better than Fox

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I'm voting democracy over autocracy.

That's it.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Keep calm and Vote Biden. I wish he had yelled last night. I did enjoy when Biden said Trump had the morals of an alley cat. Everyone needs to have a cup of stfu and stop overreacting for God Sakes. Also, my takeaway was that Trump did not answer a single question in a straight manner and lied about EVERYTHING. I just wish the reporters would stop inflating one night when Joe was not smoking. Jesus. I was freaking last night. But only because I knew EVERYONE would be making a huge ordeal out of Biden's slow mo start. Trump is a Convicted Felon and Rapist and cannot tell the truth. Can anyone see THIS???

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

My favorite was when he told Trump that something snapped in Trump when he lost the election. And Trump didn’t have a comeback. So good 🤣🤣🤣

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

YES!!!! I loved this too! Sooo true!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Regarding the debate, I’m trying to maintain some perspective. Reading Heather Cox Richardson’s most current Letters from an American helped with that.

SCOTUS fuckery grinds on and makes it ever clearer how insanely important who our next president is.

Physically coping by trying, with mixed results, to clean this very old, shaggy, craggy, dirty, dusty farmhouse and staying away from the news for a couple days. My granddaughter is coming for her first visit to NH and that shall be a great distraction. *sigh*

Of course, she’s also my greatest concern with regard to Project 2025, SCOTUS WTF XL, and too much more to mention. 🙄

{grabbing swiffer, paper towels, Windex, and water bottle and switching over to Tom Petty-George Michael-Steely Dan-Chicks-TajMajal-Etc. playlist.}

Peace, dear Conflab.

We rest and reset so that we have the strength to fight another day!


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Eggggzactly, Kim B. "Rest and Reset!"

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Burnout is real and self-defeating. There’s no shame in taking a step back to regroup. I think it’s imperative, especially since we still have quite a few miles to go…

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Cleaning as consolation and comfort: what to do when the world turns into shit and you really don’t want ti think about it anymore.. Terrific!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

I am a legendarily poor housekeeper. While it’s being done more out of desperate necessity than consolation and comfort, it has proven a cathartic AND productive distraction, so Yay!!

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great playlust style...i mught sub in drive by truckers for george michael tho 🤣

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Hahaa! Drive-by Truckers is in the mix! But George? He’s my guilty pleasure.

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Add this to the list—


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Rock on Kim !

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Scarred is the correct response. To wipe out the night, Joe's low wattage and trump's bald-face loud lies, I listed to Beethoven 9th Symphony at full blast. It was cleansing.

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Same, but Fleetwood Mac that I could yell along with and purge the stress!

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Right on, Melody!

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Oh! Magnificent, Dianne!

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Jun 28Liked by E. Jean Carroll

Not well 🫤

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